GP Conditional Logic Dates Date-based Conditional LogicDate(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Go ahead and select a date in the field above. Different HTML fields will be shown and hidden depending on the selected date.You've selected a date before today.You've selected today's date!You've selected a date after today.Time-based Conditional LogicThere are two menu options below. The "Morning Options" will appear if the current time is less than 12pm EST and the "Afternoon Options" will appear if the current time is greater than 12pm EST. See this article for more details.Morning OptionsBiscuits & GravyFruit TrayBagels & MuffinsAfternoon OptionsSteak & PotatoesAngus Burger & FriesChicken Alfredo This demo is powered by Gravity Forms v2.9.4. Report an issue with demo