Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates

Specify the days you would like to register for my fake event. Note how the price increases the greater the number of days.

For a full walk-through on how you can implement this functionality on your own site, see the Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates article on

For non-US date formats, check out the alternate version of this demo: Calculate Number of Days Between Two Dates (non-US Date Format).

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is visible here for the sake of demonstration and set as read-only via the Read-only Perk available with Gravity Perks.

On your own forms, you will likely want to set this up as a hidden field so the user never has to worry about this field unless of course you wish to display the field as an inline confirmation for the end-user.

This demo is powered by Gravity Forms v2.9.4.

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